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最终幻想11 /ファイナルファンタジーXI /FINAL FANTASY XI
FINAL FANTASY XI Original Soundtrack PREMIUM BOX [FLAC] [2007.03.28] FINAL FANTASY XI Original Soundtrack PREMIUM BOX FLAC+Scans ![]() FINAL FANTASY XI Original Soundtrack PREMIUM BOX ファイナルファンタジーXI オリジナルサウンドトラック PREMIUM BOX "FINAL FANTASY XI" Original Soundtrack PREMIUM BOX Catalog Number SQEX-10088~94 Barcode 4988601460798 Release Date Mar 28, 2007 Publish Format Commercial Release Price 11000 JPY Media Format 7 CD Classification Original Soundtrack, Arrangement Publisher SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. Distributor Sony Music Distribution (Japan) Inc. Credits Composer Naoshi Mizuta, Kumi Tanioka, Nobuo Uematsu Arranger Naoshi Mizuta, Kumi Tanioka, Nobuo Uematsu, Shiro Hamaguchi, Hidenori Iwasaki, Hirosato Noda, Kaoru Ishikawa Performer Star Onions, Izumi Masuda, Ayumi Iga, Kasumi Oga Lyricist Masato Kato, Yaeko Sato Recording Engineer Junichirou Ojima, Toshiyuki Yoshida, Toru Kamekawa, Hiroki Yasuda Assistant Engineer Momoko Yamaguchi Recording Studio VICTOR studio 301, VICTOR STUDIO Mixing Engineer Toru Kamekawa, Naoki Yamada, Hiroki Yasuda Mixing Studio VICTOR STUDIO Mastering Engineer Yuka Koizumi, Masao Nakazato Mastering Studio ONKIO HAUS, Orange Programmer Minoru Akao, Hidenori Iwasaki, Hirosato Noda, Ryo Yamazaki, Naoshi Mizuta Conductor Koji Haishima 专辑介绍: Final Fantasy XI Original Soundtrack Premium Box Soundtrack box set release from hit online game "Final Fantasy XI" includes the original 2-disc "Final Fantasy XI Original Soundtrack" album, "Final Fantasy XI Jilart no Genei - Original Soundtrack," "Final Fantasy XI Promathia no Jubaku - Original Soundtrack," and "Final Fantasy XI Treasures of Aht Urhgan: Original Soundtrack" releases plus two bonus CDs: an unreleased collection of tracks from the game performed by opera star Izumi Masuda and the hit "FFIX Piano Collections" release. Box set includes all seven discs plus the complete piano sheet music for the "FFIX Piano Collections" album. FINAL FANTASY XI Original Soundtrack PREMIUM BOX 「FINAL FANTASY XI」CD7枚組+ピアノ楽譜集付き豪華BOXセットが発売!! サービス開始から間もなく5年、未だに全世界で50万人のユーザーを有する、ゲーム文化の歴史を変えたネットワーク・ゲーム「ファイナルファンタジーXI」の、過去に発売したサウンド・トラックを豪華ボックスに収めた、ファン垂涎の完全限定サントラ・ボックスセット。既発CD4タイトル:「FINAL FANTASY XI Original Soundtrack (2枚組)」「FINAL FANTASY XI ジラートの幻影 Original Soundtrack」「FINAL FANTASY XI プロマシアの呪縛 Original Soundtrack」「FINAL FANTASY XI アトルガンの秘宝 Original Soundtrack」にプラスして、話題のオペラ歌手「増田いずみ」が歌った「Distant Worlds」をはじめ、ゲーム中では使用されサントラには収録されなかった楽曲を収めたボーナスCDを封入。さらに、FF音楽CDシリーズではお馴染みの、FFXI楽曲を選りすぐり新録したCD「FFIXピアノ・コレクションズ」と、ピアノ・コレクションズ全曲の楽譜集といった、豪華3大特典付きのBOX入りCD7枚組+楽譜集。 专辑曲目: Disc 1 [SQEX-10088] 01 "FFXI Opening Theme" ~Legend - The Crystal Theme, Memory of the People, Memoro de la Ŝtono, Memory of the Wind~ 6:47 02 Vana'diel March 3:19 03 The Kingdom of San d'Oria 4:35 04 Ronfaure 4:57 05 Battle Theme 2:17 06 Chateau d'Oraguille 4:34 07 Batallia Downs 4:30 08 The Republic of Bastok 2:54 09 Gustaberg 4:13 10 Metalworks 3:02 11 Rolanberry Fields 2:27 12 The Federation of Windurst 3:13 13 Heavens Tower 6:25 14 Sarutabaruta 2:47 15 Battle in the Dungeon 2:27 16 Sauromugue Champaign 5:23 17 Mhaura 2:52 18 Buccaneers 1:56 19 Battle Theme #2 2:27 20 Voyager 2:14 21 Selbina 2:18 Disc length 75:37 Disc 2 [SQEX-10089] 01 Prelude 1:18 02 Regeneracy 1:10 03 Hume Male 1:54 04 Hume Female 1:06 05 Elvaan Male 1:53 06 Elvaan Female 1:28 07 Tarutaru Male 1:28 08 Tarutaru Female 0:50 09 Mithra 1:55 10 Galka 1:40 11 Airship 2:20 12 The Grand Duchy of Jeuno 2:23 13 Ru'Lude Gardens 2:32 14 Recollection 3:10 15 Anxiety 2:45 16 Battle in the Dungeon #2 1:34 17 Blackout 0:44 18 Mog House 3:29 19 Hopelessness 1:54 20 Fury 1:37 21 Tough Battle 3:00 22 Sorrow 2:39 23 Sometime, Somewhere 1:48 24 Xarcabard 4:30 25 Despair (Memoro de la Ŝtono) 2:26 26 Castle Zvahl 9:10 27 Shadow Lord 1:51 28 Awakening 5:21 29 Repression (Memoro de la Ŝtono) 3:08 30 Vana'diel March #2 4:23 Disc length 75:26 Disc 3 [SQEX-10090] 01 Kazham 2:38 02 Yuhtunga Jungle 8:16 03 Battle Theme #3 2:17 04 "Dash de Chocobo" 3:29 05 Rabao 4:29 06 Altepa Desert 4:19 07 Battle in the Dungeon #3 2:11 08 Grav'iton 1:51 09 Norg 3:24 10 Tough Battle #2 2:47 11 The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah 4:14 12 Ro'Maeve 4:27 13 Hall of the Gods 4:33 14 Fighters of the Crystal 3:32 15 Tu'Lia 3:56 16 Ve'Lugannon Palace 5:42 17 Eald'narche 1:54 18 Belief 3:29 19 End Theme 2:44 Disc length 70:12 Disc 4 [SQEX-10091] 01 Unity 1:50 02 Moblin Menagerie - Movalpolos 4:37 03 Depths of the Soul 2:40 04 Faded Memories - Promyvion 5:25 05 Currents of Time 4:24 06 First Ode: Nocturne of the Gods 0:57 07 A New Horizon - Tavnazian Archipelago 3:33 08 Onslaught 2:24 09 The Forgotten City - Tavnazian Safehold 2:44 10 Second Ode: Distant Promises 2:31 11 The Ruler of the Skies 1:31 12 Turmoil 2:19 13 Third Ode: Memoria de la Ŝtono 0:53 14 Happily Ever After 2:40 15 Conflict: You Want to Live Forever? 3:55 16 Conflict: March of the Hero 3:30 17 Fourth Ode: Clouded Dawn 1:43 18 Words Unspoken - Pso'Xja 4:14 19 Fifth Ode: A Time for Prayer 1:40 20 The Celestial Capital - Al'Taieu 7:26 21 Gates of Paradise - The Garden of Ru'Hmet 6:35 22 Dusk and Dawn 2:42 23 A New Morning 4:35 24 Gustaberg (Bonus Track) 3:33 Disc length 78:21 Disc 5 [SQEX-10092] 01 Bustle of the Capital 4:09 02 Eastward Bound... 3:56 03 Bandits' Market 4:10 04 Illusions in the Mist 4:46 05 Mercenaries' Delight 2:20 06 Jeweled Boughs 4:12 07 Ululations from Beyond 5:11 08 Rapid Onslaught -Assault- 3:03 09 Fated Strife -Besieged- 1:54 10 Delve 1:44 11 Whispers of the Gods 2:57 12 Circuit de Chocobo 3:44 13 Run Chocobo, Run! 1:31 14 The Colosseum 2:38 15 Black Coffin 3:53 16 A Puppet's Slumber 1:35 17 Ever-Turning Wheels 2:27 18 Forbidden Seal 4:29 19 Hellriders 3:08 20 Eternal Gravestone 1:11 21 Vana'diel March #4 2:01 Disc length 64:59 Disc 6 [SQEX-10093] 01 A Road Once Traveled 2:53 02 One Last Time 3:26 03 Eternal Oath 2:15 04 To the Heavens 1:14 05 Bloody Promises 2:08 06 Hook, Line, and Sinker 1:33 07 The Big One 2:09 08 Choc-a-bye Baby 2:42 09 Revenant Maiden 1:32 10 Hidden Truths 2:20 11 Moongate (Memoro de la Ŝtono) 1:31 12 Celestial Thunder 1:19 13 A Realm of Emptiness 3:50 14 Distant Worlds 5:20 15 Jeuno -Starlight Celebration- 5:10 16 Sunbreeze Shuffle 2:32 17 Distant Worlds -Guitar Version- 5:17 18 Ru'Lude Gardens -Star Onions Version- 3:40 Disc length 50:51 Disc 7 [SQEX-10094] 01 The Federation of Windurst 3:50 02 Rabao 4:16 03 Choc-a-bye Baby 3:19 04 Moblin Menagerie - Movalpolos 3:43 05 Battle Theme #2 2:24 06 Faded Memories - Promyvion 5:09 07 Jeweled Boughs 4:22 08 Tu'Lia 4:05 09 Distant Worlds 5:23 10 Vana'diel March #4 2:16 Disc length 38:47 Discs 1, 2: FINAL FANTASY XI Original Soundtrack Disc 3: FINAL FANTASY XI Rise of the Zilart Original Soundtrack Disc 4: FINAL FANTASY XI Chains of Promathia Original Soundtrack Disc 5: FINAL FANTASY XI Treasures of Aht Urhgan Original Soundtrack Disc 6: FINAL FANTASY XI UNRELEASED TRACKS Disc 7: Piano Collections FINAL FANTASY XI Sound Producer: Nobuo Uematsu Music: Naoshi Mizuta, Kumi Tanioka and Nobuo Uematsu Sound Programmer: Minoru Akao Synthesizer & Music Design: Hidenori Iwasaki on track Disc 1-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21 Disc 2-3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 27, 28, 30 Hirosato Noda on track Disc 1-6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18 Disc 2-1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29 fiddle recorded by Junichirou Ojima at sunrise studio on track21 (Disc 1) Mastering Engineer: Yuka Koizumi (Orange) "FFXI Opening Theme" ~Legend - The Crystal Theme, Memory of the People, Memoro de la Stono, Memory of the Wind~ Lyrics: Masato Kato / Music: Nobuo Uematsu Arrangement: Shiro Hamaguchi and Nobuo Uematsu Esperanto Translator: Gaku Konishi Recording Engineer: Toshiyuki Yoshida Recording Coordinator: Yuji Saito (Imagine) Recording Studio: VICTOR studio 301 Conductor: Koji Haijima Strings: Masatsugu Shinozaki Group / Flute : Takashi Asahi Oboe: Masakazu Ishibashi / Clarinet: Tadashi Hoshino / Bassoon: Masashi Maeda Horn: Otohiko Fujita / Trumpet: Masahiko Sugasaka Trombone: Osamu Matsumoto / Tuba: Kiyoshi Sato Percussion: Midori Takada and Tomoko Kusakiri / Piano: Masato Matsuda Harp: Tomoyuki Asakawa / Acoustic Guitar: Masayuki Chiyo Soprano: Mio Kashiwabara, Risa Nagaoka, Tomomi Ishigami, Yoshiko Yamaguchi Alto: Miki Shindo, Naoko Aratake, Sayuri Aramaki, Shiho Adachi Tenor: Daisuke Hara, Takashi Baba, Takehiro Shida, Yoshinobu Ishizuka Bass: Hayato Kamie, Katsuyuki Nakanishi, Takashi Hara, Toshiya Yabuuchi Esperanto Instructor: Hisashi Kitagawa Special Thanks: Yoshio Ishino (Japana Esperanto-Instituto)
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