Catalog No.: CHMS-5
JAN/ISBN: 4549743294537
Product Type: CD
Number of Discs: 1
Release Date: October 07, 2022
[Machine Translation] A new generation buddy idol project "CHARMS!!!" consisting of 5 units with a total of 10 members who use "CV" (Charm Vision), a supernatural ability to transform with the power of love and support. <CHARMS!!! ] !" is a new generation buddy idol project. Currently, a "candidate" training program is underway for the debut of the project! The candidate JK x ghost unit "ghost harmony" is now in the process of debuting as "CHARMS!!!". Unit CD" debut before their debut as "CHARMS!!!"! The drama includes their meeting and the episode of unit formation. The application privilege serial number and candidate hologram card (15 kinds + 1 random secret card) will be enclosed. [Appearance] Hotaru Myyonori ( CV: Akira Kageyama ), Yuu Coma ( CV: Kibo Yamamoto )
曚鮅の薦で"簓蹐垢覲嬬薦"仝CV々(チャ`ムヴィジョン)を聞う5ユニット10兆からなる仟弊旗バディアイドルプロジェクト仝CHARMS!!々璽船礬`ムス!!! F壓プロジェクトデビュ`に鬚"昨a伏"圄撹プログラムをg仏嶄! その昨a伏であるJK〜喞ユニット〆喞至ハアモニヰ (ゴ`ストハ`モニ`)〇が仝CHARMS!!々としてのデビュ`に枠lけ"ユニットCD"デビュ`! ドラマには屈繁の竃氏い・ユニットY撹エピソ`ドをуh。魥写惶筌轡螢▲襯淵鵐乂`、昨a伏ホログラムカ`ド (15N+シ`クレット1Nより1旦ランダム) 撃秘。 [竃處] 虫灸w (CV: 唹表菊)、肢g喞? (CV: 表云錬李)