杜鹃的婚约 /Kakkou no Iinazuke /A Couple of Cuckoos /カッコウの許嫁
[220727] TVアニメ「カッコウの許嫁」OP2「Glitter」320K+BK
[2022.07.27] TVアニメ「カッコウの許嫁」OP2テーマ「Glitter」/sumika [FLAC+BK]

Glitter / sumika
Catalog Number SRCL-12190
Barcode 4547366567618
Release Date Jul 27, 2022
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 1100 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Vocal
Label [NOiD], GREEN ATTiC, murffin discs, Sony Records
Manufacturer Sony Music Labels Inc.
Distributor Sony Music Solutions Inc.
Phonographic Copyright Sony Music Labels Inc.
Performer sumika
Composer Kenta Kataoka
Arranger Tomonori Hayashibe, Ryo 'Lefty' Miyata, sumika
Lyricist Kenta Kataoka
sumika to release new single! The title song is featured as an intro theme for the TV anime "A Couple of Cuckoos" 2nd season.
「Glitter」は、テレビ朝日系アニメーション『カッコウの許嫁』第二期のオープニングテーマ! まさにsumikaの真骨頂と呼べる、歌って踊りたくなる事必至のアップテンポのポップチューン。カップリング1曲とインストゥルメンタル収録予定。
1 Glitter
2 The Flag Song
3 Glitter (Instrumental)
4 The Flag Song (Instrumental)
M-01 - TV Anime "A Couple of Cuckoos" 2nd Opening Theme
Composer: Kenta Kataoka
Arranger: Tomonori Hayashibe, Ryo 'Lefty' Miyata, sumika
Lyricist: Kenta Kataoka
Composer: Kenta Kataoka
Arranger: sumika
Lyricist: Kenta Kataoka
https://url17.ctfile.com/f/10338817-631472579-aa5f81?p=347297 (访问密码: 347297)
https://url17.ctfile.com/f/10338817-631472678-1ce806?p=347297 (访问密码: 347297) |