[220309] 森口博子 GUNDAM SONG COVERS 3 320K
[220309]森口博子 GUNDAM SONG COVERS 3(初回限定盤)[320K]

GUNDAM SONG COVERS 3 / Hiroko Moriguchi
Catalog Number KICS-4039
Barcode 4988003594480
Release Date Mar 09, 2022
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 3300 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Arrangement, Vocal
Manufacturer King Record Co., Ltd.
Distributor King Record Co., Ltd.
Vocals Hiroko Moriguchi, Masayoshi Oishi, VOJA, Mami Ayukawa
Performer Kotaro Oshio, Naoko Terai, Daisuke Kaminaga (Wagakki Band), TM NETWORK, SALT & SUGAR
Composer Takeo Watanabe, Yugo Kanno, Tetsuya Komuro, Motoyoshi Iwasaki, Shinji Tanimura, Tomohisa Kawazoe, Tatuya Ishii, Daisuke Asakura, Asei Kobayashi, Daisuke Inoue, Neil Sedaka
Arranger 西村健司, Kotaro Oshio, Tetsuya Komuro, Satoru Shionoya, Koichiro Tokinori, Masayoshi Oishi, eba, Naoki Kitajima
Lyricist Rin Iogi, Mitsuko Komuro, Shinji Tanimura, Leo Mikami, Tatuya Ishii, Akio Inoue, Masao Urino
The third and final chapter of the "Gundam Song Cover Album for Adults"! In this album, Hiroko Moriguchi covers only male vocal songs among the many Gundam songs! In addition to Kotaro Oshio and Naoko Terai, who have also participated in the previous two albums, Maya Ayukawa, VOJA, Masayoshi Oishi, Daisuke Kaminaga (WAGAKKI BAND), SALT&SUGAR, and TM NETWORK will also participate in this album! The bonus track will be a medley collaboration between Maya Ayukawa, who sang the intro theme of the first half of "Mobile Suit Z Gundam", "Z: Toki wo Koete", and Hiroko Moriguchi, who sang the intro theme of the second half, "Mizu no Hoshi e Ai wo Komete". Cover artwork was drawn by "Tsukasa Kotobuki", who is also a character designer for Gundam works, and it shows Hiroko Moriguchi smiling on the palm of RX-78-2 Gundam. Limited edition Blu-ray includes "Mizu no Hoshi e Ai wo Komete" (with Naoko Terai), "Freesia" (with Tetsu Shiotani), "Kimi wo Mitsumete-The time I'm seeing you-" (with Masato Honda), "Issenmannen Ginga" (with Tetsu Shiotani), and two music videos from songs included in "GUNDAM SONG COVERS 3". Sleeve case specification (newly drawn by Tsukasa Kotobuki).
Special Feature / Bonus Track: a bonus track
"大人のためのガンダムソングカバーアルバム"第3弾にして最終章! 今作は、数あるガンダムソングの中から男性ヴォーカル曲だけを森口博子がカバー! 過去2作品にも参加している押尾コータロー、寺井尚子をはじめ、鮎川麻弥、VOJA、オーイシマサヨシ、神永大輔 (和楽器バンド)、SALT&SUGAR、TM NETWORKのコラボレーション参加が決定! ボーナストラックには「機動戦士Zガンダム」の前期オープニングテーマ「Z・刻をこえて」を歌った鮎川麻弥と、後期オープニングテーマ「水の星へ愛をこめて」を歌った森口博子とのメドレーコラボレーションが実現。CDのジャケットイラストはガンダム作品のキャラクターデザイナーも務める"ことぶきつかさ"のよる描き下ろし。RX-78-2ガンダムの手のひらの上で微笑む森口博子が印象的な1枚に。初回限定盤のBlu-rayには、「水の星へ愛をこめて / with 寺井尚子」「フリージア / with 塩谷哲」「君を見つめて -The time I'm seeing you- / with 本田雅人」「一千万年銀河 / with 塩谷哲」、『GUNDAM SONG COVERS 3』収録楽曲よりMV2曲を収録。スリーブケース仕様 (ことぶきつかさ描き下ろしイラスト)。「森口博子 コンサート "Starry People"」チケット先行抽選シリアルコード封入。
翔べ! ガンダム (「機動戦士ガンダム」オープニングテーマ)
G の閃光 / with 押尾コータロー (「ガンダム G のレコンギスタ」エンディングテーマ)
BEYOND THE TIME ~メビウスの宇宙を越えて~ / with TM NETWORK (「機動戦士ガンダム 逆襲のシャア」主題歌)
いくつもの愛をかさねて / with SALT&SUGAR (「機動戦士V ガンダム」挿入歌)
砂の十字架 (「機動戦士ガンダム」主題歌)
STAND UP TO THE VICTORY ~トゥ・ザ・ヴィクトリー~ / with オーイシマサヨシ (「機動戦士V ガンダム」オープニングテーマ)
RIVER / with 寺井尚子 (「機動戦士ガンダムSEED」エンディングテーマ)
Meteor (「機動戦士ガンダムSEED」挿入歌)
ターンA ターン / with 神永大輔 (和楽器バンド) (「∀ガンダム」オープニングテーマ)
ビギニング / with VOJA (「機動戦士ガンダムIII めぐりあい宇宙編」主題歌)
[BONUS TRACK] 「機動戦士Ζガンダム」メドレー (Ζ・刻をこえて~水の星へ愛をこめて) / with 鮎川麻弥
M-01 - TV Anime "Mobile Suit Gundam" Opening Theme Cover
Vocals: Hiroko Moriguchi
Composer: Takeo Watanabe
Arranger: 西村健司
Lyricist: Rin Iogi
M-02 - TV Anime "GUNDAM Reconguista in G" Ending Theme Cover
Performer: Hiroko Moriguchi with Kotaro Oshio
Composer: Yugo Kanno
Arranger: Kotaro Oshio
Lyricist: Rin Iogi
M-03 - Anime Film "Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Counterattack" Theme Song Cover
Performer: Hiroko Moriguchi with TM NETWORK
Composer: Tetsuya Komuro
Arranger: Tetsuya Komuro
Lyricist: Mitsuko Komuro
M-04 - TV Anime "Mobile Suit V Gundam" Insert Song Cover
Performer: Hiroko Moriguchi with SALT & SUGAR
Composer: Motoyoshi Iwasaki
Arranger: Satoru Shionoya
Lyricist: Rin Iogi
M-05 - Anime Film "Mobile Suit Gundam" Ending Theme Cover
Vocals: Hiroko Moriguchi
Composer: Shinji Tanimura
Arranger: Koichiro Tokinori
Lyricist: Shinji Tanimura
M-06 - TV Anime "Mobile Suit V Gundam" Opening Theme Cover
Vocals: Hiroko Moriguchi with Masayoshi Oishi
Composer: Tomohisa Kawazoe
Arranger: Masayoshi Oishi, eba
Lyricist: Rin Iogi, Leo Mikami
M-07 - TV Anime "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" 2nd Ending Theme Cover
Performer: Hiroko Moriguchi with Naoko Terai
Composer: Tatuya Ishii
Arranger: Naoki Kitajima
Lyricist: Tatuya Ishii
M-08 - TV Anime "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" Insert Song Cover
Vocals: Hiroko Moriguchi
Composer: Daisuke Asakura
Arranger: Koichiro Tokinori
Lyricist: Akio Inoue
M-09 - TV Anime "Turn A Gundam" 1st Opening Theme Cover
Performer: Hiroko Moriguchi with Daisuke Kaminaga (Wagakki Band)
Composer: Asei Kobayashi
Arranger: Koichiro Tokinori
Lyricist: Rin Iogi
M-10 - Anime Film "Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters in Space" Ending Theme Cover
Vocals: Hiroko Moriguchi with VOJA
Composer: Daisuke Inoue
Arranger: Koichiro Tokinori
Lyricist: Rin Iogi
Vocals: Hiroko Moriguchi with Mami Ayukawa
"Zeta: Toki wo Koete" - TV Anime "Mobile Suit Z Gundam" 1st Opening Theme
Composer: Neil Sedaka
Lyricist: Rin Iogi
"Mizu no Hoshi e Ai wo Komete" - TV Anime "Mobile Suit Z Gundam" 2nd Opening Theme
Composer: Neil Sedaka
Lyricist: Masao Urino
https://url17.ctfile.com/f/10338817-556482447-39aaf1 (访问密码:347297) |