再见,Don Glees! /Goodbye,DonGlees! /グッバイ、ドン・グリーズ!
[220216] 映画「グッバイ、ドン・グリーズ!」主題歌「Rock The World」320K
[2022.02.16] 映画「グッバイ、ドン・グリーズ!」主題歌「Rock The World」/[Alexandros] [FLAC 48kHz/24bit]

Rock The World/Hibi, Oriori / [Alexandros]
Rock The World/日々、織々 / [Alexandros]
Catalog No.: UPCH-5985
JAN/ISBN: 4988031480397
Product Type: CD
Number of Discs: 1
Label/Distributor: UNIVERSAL MUSIC
Release Date: February 16, 2022
Alexandros' first single for 2022 is "Goodbye, Donglees!", a coming-of-age and moving animated film with a superb voice cast that tells the story of a miraculous encounter between boys. It includes "Rock The World," which has already become a popular theme song for live performances, and "Hibi, Oriori," the theme song for the "#Sentaku" project, a collaboration between Panasonic Washing Machines and Kao Attack, which aims to encourage people to feel the joy and pleasure of doing laundry.
[Alexandros] 2022年、第一弾シングルは、少年たちの奇跡のような出逢いの物語、超豪華声優陣が出演する青春・感動系アニメ―ション映画『グッバイ、ドン、グリーズ!』主題歌として既にLIVEでの人気曲となっている「Rock The World」と、洗濯の楽しみや悦びを感じて欲しいという想いからパナソニック洗濯機と花王アタックがタッグを組んだ『「#センタク」プロジェクト』にコラボし、テーマソングを手掛けた「日々、織々」を収録。
1 Rock The World
2 日々、織々
3 日々、織々 feat.Vansire
M-01 - Anime Film "Goodbye, DonGlees!" Theme Song
Composer: Yoohei Kawakami
Arranger: [Alexandros], Takashi Saze
Lyricist: Yoohei Kawakami
Composer: Yoohei Kawakami
Arranger: [Alexandros], Takashi Saze
Lyricist: Yoohei Kawakami
Performer: [Alexandros] feat. Vansire
Composer: Yoohei Kawakami
Arranger: [Alexandros], Vansire
Lyricist: Yoohei Kawakami
https://url17.ctfile.com/f/10338817-545607571-98b33d (访问密码:347297)
https://url17.ctfile.com/f/10338817-545608326-36b983 (访问密码:347297) |