[2011.06.24] Key+Lia Best 2001-2010 320K+Scans
Key+Lia Best 2001-2010 (FLAC) [6C31AB1E].rar

Key+Lia Best 2001-2010
Catalog Number KSLA-0071
Barcode 4933032006688
Release Date Jun 24, 2011
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 3150 JPY
Media Format CD + DVD
Classification Arrangement, Vocal
Label Key Sounds Label
Manufacturer VISUAL ARTS Co., Ltd.
Distributor VISUAL ARTS Co., Ltd.
Composer Jun Maeda
Arranger Ryo Okabe, Magome Togoshi, 83key, Yuu Hagiwara, ANANT-GARDE EYES
Performer Lia, Kentaro Fukushi, Yohei Kasama, MIYA, kotarow
Lyricist Jun Maeda
Recording Engineer nagie
Mixing Engineer nagie, Kenichi Yumura, 83key
Mastering Engineer Naomi Sassa
Mastering Studio Wonder Station
Programmer Kentaro Fukushi, ANANT-GARDE EYES
Greatest hits album release from Key+Lia featuring "doll/human" from anime series "GUNSLINGER GIRL-IL TEATRINO -," "pierrot," and more. Comes with a bonus DVD with anime movie of "Karma." *The DVD disc is encoded for region 2 (Japan, Europe, and Middle East), and no subtitles are included.
人気アニメAngel Beats!の主題歌『My Soul, Your Beats!』の作詞作曲の麻枝准と、そのボーカルLiaによる、2001年から始まったふたりの10年に渡るベスト盤が満を持して登場! アニメ「GUNSLINGER GIRL-IL TEATRINO-」にも書き下ろされた『doll/human』までも網羅。初期の曲はリプロダクションを経て当時よりよい音へ。さらにはこのベスト盤用に書き下ろされた新曲『pierrot』も収録。ファンの間では商品化が熱望されていたライブでのみ披露された、ごとP氏のイラストによる『Karma』のムービーDVD付き!
1 Natukage
2 nostalgia
3 Birthday Song,Requiem
4 恋心
5 Spica (new arrange)
6 Hanabi (new recording)
7 Karma
8 Soldiers
9 doll
10 human
11 時を刻む唄
12 My Soul,Your Beats!
13 pierrot (new song)
14 Life is like a Melody
All Tracks Lyrics & Composed by Jun Maeda
Vocals and Chorus by Lia
Ryo Okabe (1, 2, 4)
Magome Togoshi (3, 14)
83key (5)
Yuu Hagiwara (6)
Reproduction Staff
Instruments Programming: Kentaro Fukushi (1~3) / ANANT-GARDE EYES (6)
Recording Engineer: nagie (6, 13)
Recording Assistant Engineer: Takuma Kase (6, 13)
Mixing Engineer: nagie (1, 2, 6, 13, 14) / Kenichi Yumura (3) / 83key (5)
Recorded and Mixed at MARUNI STUDIO
Mastering Engineer: Naomi Sassa <Memory-Tech>
Mastered at Wonder Station
Recording Director: Kumiko Murayama <1st PLACE> (1~3, 5, 6, 13, 14)
Guitar: Kentaro Fukushi (3)
Guitar: Yohei Kasama; Bass: MIYA; Drums: kotarow (6)
M-01: "AIR" Image Song
M-09: Second Ending Song of "GUNSLINGER GIRL-IL TEATRINO-"
M-10: Ending Song of "GUNSLINGER GIRL-IL TEATRINO-" Final Episode
M-11: "CLANNAD ~After Story~" Opening Song
M-12: "Angel Beats!" First Opening Song
M-14: "Tomoyo After ~It's a Wonderful Life~" Ending Song