前线任务 /雷霆任务 /FRONT MISSION /フロントミッション
1995.02.25 - Front Mission Original Sound Version {PSCN-5019}
[1995.02.25] FRONT MISSION Original Sound Version FLAC+Scans

FRONT MISSION Original Sound Version
フロントミッション オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン
"FRONT MISSION" Original Sound Version
Catalog Number PSCN-5019 [Extra Credits]
Barcode 4988023029931
Release Date Feb 25, 1995
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 2500 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Original Soundtrack
Organizations NTT Publishing (Publisher), POLYSTAR (Distributor)
Composed by Yoko Shimomura, Noriko Matsueda
Arranged by Yoko Shimomura, Noriko Matsueda
01 A Minefield 1:27
02 Canyon Crow 1:41
03 Rise to Action 0:46
04 Advanced Guard 1:39
05 Mercenaries 1:55
06 Take the Offensive 1:39
07 The Evils of War 1:25
08 Decline 1:26
09 Force Stall 2:09
10 Manifold Irons 2:42
11 Bloody Temperature 1:48
12 Relative Thinking 1:24
13 Holic Shot 0:58
14 Hard Drag 0:48
15 More and More 0:53
16 Win Back 0:10
17 Raise a Flag 0:12
18 The General Situation 1:52
19 Shallow Twilight 1:46
20 Optical City 2:24
21 Coaxial Town 1:43
22 Field Hospital 1:23
23 Arena 1:13
24 Shop 1:38
25 Bar 1:26
26 Setting Up 1:15
27 Military Govermment 1:19
28 Ominous 1:19
29 Martial Ecologist 1:24
30 Rage! Rage! Rege! 1:03
31 Tension 1:22
32 A Person Easily Elated 1:16
33 Kalen 2:52
34 Elegie 2:44
35 Natalie 2:51
36 Fear 1:43
37 Terrible Density 2:03
38 Mad Pressure 1:15
39 Destructive Logic 2:07
40 Defeat 0:17
41 Within Living Memory... 4:48
42 Next Resolution 2:08
Disc length 68:13
1, 2, 4~8, 10, 13~16, 19, 21~23, 26, 29, 30, 34, 39 Composed & Arranged by Yoko Shimomura
3, 9, 11, 12, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28, 31~33, 35~38, 40~42 Composed & Arranged by Noriko Matsueda
Composed & Arranged by
Yoko Shimomura, Noriko Matsueda
Sound Programmer: Minoru Akao
Sound Engineer: Teruaki Suguwara
Producer: Kensuke Matsushita (NTT PUB.)
Production Management: Shinji Hashimoto
Production Submanegement
Kiyoko Maeda (SQUARE), Toshiyuki Inoue (SQUARE)
Mastering Engineer: Masaaki Katou (SUNRISE MUSIC)
Illustration: Yoshitaka Amano/3D up: Kow Yokoyama
Art Direction: Tadashi Shimada (Banana Studio)
Design: Tadashi Shimada, Norie Kadokura (Banana Studio)
Prototype & Finish-work: I.N.G
Co-Executive Producer: Mitsunobu Nakamura (NTT PUB.)
Executive Producer: Yoshitomo Ogata (NTT PUB.)
Special Thanks to...Game Create Staff of G-CRAFT