我的青春恋爱物语果然有问题 完 /果然我的青春恋爱喜剧搞错了。完 /我的青春恋爱物语果然有问题 第三季 /春物3 /やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。完 /My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Climax
[2020.07.15] Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Kan OP Single - yanaginagi - Megumi no Ame [WEB][FLAC][GNCA-0607]
[200715] TVアニメ『やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。完』OP「芽ぐみの雨」FLAC

Megumi no Ame / yanaginagi
芽ぐみの雨 / やなぎなぎ
Catalog No.: GNCA-607
JAN/ISBN: 4988102863975
Product Type: CD
Number of Discs: 1
Release Date: July 15, 2020
"My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Fin (Anime)" Intro Theme Song: Megumi no Ame
Nagi Yanagi
New single from Nagi Yanagi is the intro theme to TV anime "My Teen Romantic Comedy" scheduled to premiere April 2020.
TVアニメ「やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。完」OPテーマ: 芽ぐみの雨 / やなぎなぎ
01 芽ぐみの雨 4:41
02 彼は誰星 3:42
03 芽ぐみの雨 [Instrumental] 4:39
04 彼は誰星 [Instrumental] 3:41
Disc length 16:43
All Vocals by yanaginagi
M-01 - TV Anime "Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. Kan" Opening Theme
Music, Arrangement, Guitar & Programming: Katsutoshi Kitagawa (ROUND TABLE)
Drums: Maoki Yamamoto
Bass: Manabu Chigasaki (KIRINJI)
Guitar: Jun Matsue
Piano: Hanako Suenaga
Strings Programming: Tansa
Synth Programming: acane_madder
Recorded by Shigeki Kashii at green bird, Aladdin Lounge
Mixed by Shigeki Kashii at WONDERHOLIC LAB.
Lyrics, Music, Arrangement, Programming & All Other Instruments: yanaginagi
Recorded & Mixed by Tomotaka Saka at hina studio
Mastering by Masato Morisaki (TINYVOICE PRODUCTION)
Iillustration: Shinsuke Koshio
This single was originally scheduled to be released on May 13, 2020.
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