In this futuristic battle, three nations with opposing political views have erupted in an all-out war. From the cockpit of a giant metal "HOUND", you must power your tower of heavy artillery through giant war zones while backing five others on your squad and dodging the firepower of six other live players via Xbox Live.
《Chromehounds™》首次为 Xbox360 带来专属的多人小队机器人作战游戏。在未来的世界中,因为三个超级强国想争夺世界主导权而引起了大战。游戏中你将指挥名为「 Hound 」的巨型金属战争机甲,并且必须在庞大的战区中善用重炮部队,同时运用小队合作的战术,然后透过 Xbox Live 与其它玩家进行实时、激烈的战斗。战略规划、迅速反应,以及小队通讯是在《Chromehounds》战场中胜出的关键。