Burnout Revenge is a racing game in which your desire for destruction is as important as your ability to reach the finish line. The sequel to Burnout 3 adds some new features such as detailed car damage, crash combos, and a meter that rewards vengeance on the road. Game modes run the range from pure racing to pure destruction on a handful of real-world locations, including Detroit and Rome. Burnout Revenge also supports online play for challenging other players.
本游戏是以疯狂飚车与撞车特殊玩法闻名的《横冲直撞》系列最新作,2005 年于 PS2 与 XBOX 平台上推出,并预定于 2006 年 3 月推出画面大幅强化的 XBOX360 版。《横冲直撞:复仇之道》除了承袭 PS2 与 XBOX 版的内容之外,并透过 XBOX 360 大幅强化的硬件效能,提供更为细致的影音表现,包括 720p 高分辨率画面、精细度大幅提升的车辆与场景、更逼真复杂的碰撞效果、更华丽的爆破与解体特效演出...等等。之外并加入强化 XBOX Live 玩家互动的《Live Revenge》模式,以及赛程的回放纪录与上传等 PS2 与 XBOS 版所没有的新要素。