开发厂商:Silicon Knights
As the Cybernetic God Baldur, you get thrust into the midst of an ongoing battle that threatens the existence of mankind. An ancient machine presence has forced the Gods hand. In the first of a three part trilogy, Baldur is charged with defending mankind from an onslaught of monstrous war machines bent on eradication of human life. It takes more than brawn and raw strength to supplant the machine hordes. Utilize a sophisticated blend of seamless melee and firearms combat to vanquish foes close and far. Feel each punishing blow through advanced visual effects. Intuitive combat provides new level of accessibility: Perform Baldurs elaborate and complex combat maneuvers through the press of a button and chain together rapid-fire combos with ease. Through the use of an intuitive combat system, Too Human provides gameplay that is easy to learn and rewarding to master and introduces combinations of weapons combat on a high level. The story chronicles the ongoing struggle between Cybernetic gods, machine giants and mortal men on a massive scale never before seen. Play the role of a cybernetic god charged with protecting the human race against a relentless onslaught of machines.
《无间战神》是款以北欧神话为基础所改编的科幻史诗级动作角色扮演游戏,以遥远的过去为背景,叙述机械神只巴尔达(Baldur)为了保护人类而投入战斗的历程。《TOO HUMAN》作为该系列的首部作品,能够在发售之前就得到众多玩家的好评以及期待,这对于制作组来说是个不小的压力,只可惜在千呼万唤之后玩家所体验到的《TOO HUMAN》似乎并没有传说中那么好,正可谓期待越大失望就越大,在一些细节设定上有不少问题。既便如此,能在发售前就得到玩家们的好评也绝非是空穴来潮,新颖的操作、ACT和RPG的完美结合以及多人在线模式的精良设计,都为本作奠定了很好的基础,如果今后能推出续作,相信到时一定会刮起又一阵ARPG飓风。
下载地址: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1SWLfjFSD6Yiu2FnbGBBVQA 提取码:nc1g |