英文名称:Gears of War
开发厂商:Epic Games
《戰爭機器》是由曾推出《魔域幻境》系列,並研發出新一代 3D 遊戲引擎「Unreal Engine3」的 Epic Games 在 Xbox 360 平台上所開發製作的首款遊戲,自發表以來便以驚人的畫面表現獲得各界關注。
故事是設定在未來的世界,由於長期的污染與資源的枯竭,加上來自地底的邪惡種族 羅卡斯 的威脅,使得人類面臨存亡危機。玩家所扮演的 馬可斯(Marcus)是位來自軍事監獄,蒙受不名譽之恥的前戰爭英雄,為了個人的自我救贖,而決定帶領他的武裝小隊,挺身對抗殺人不眨眼的惡魔軍團。
Gears of War blends tactical action with survival horror and thrusts gamers into a deep and harrowing story of humankind's epic battle for survival against the Locust Horde, a nightmarish race of creatures that surface from the bowels of the planet. Lead war hero Marcus Fenix and his fire team as they face the onslaught of merciless warrior fiends. A revolutionary tactical combat system and breathtaking, high-definition visuals from the Unreal Engine 3 immerse you in a horrifying story of war and survival. A.I. teammates are indiscernable from human players. Voice recognition and real-time lip synching heighten the experience. The battlefield is a lethal place. To survive, suppress your enemy with blindfire, take cover in interactive environments, or use weapons and teammates to outwit your foes.