哈尔的移动城堡 /ハウルの動く城 /Howl's Moving Castle
[2004.10.27] ハウルの動く城 主題歌 世界の約束 (FLAC)

Sekai no Yakusoku / Chieko Baisho
世界の約束 / 倍賞千恵子
Catalog Number TKCA-72774
Release Date Oct 27, 2004
Publish Format Commercial
Media Format CD
Classification Vocal
Published by Studio Ghibli Records / Tokuma Japan Communications (distributed by First Distribution)
Composed by Joe Hisaishi, Youmi Kimura
Arranged by Joe Hisaishi
Performed by Chieko Baisho
Lyrics by Shuntaro Tanikawa
Sekai no Yakusoku ("Howl's Moving Castle" main theme)
Chieko Baisho
The book by British author Diana Wynne Jones, "Howl's Moving Castle" has been turned into a brand new animated film by none other than Studio Ghibli's Hayao Miyazaki himself. Three years since the critical and commercial hit of "Spirited Away," the anticipation has grown to monumental levels as millions of people worldwide wait to experience the visionary filmmaker's next outing. Japan's November premiere of this long-awaited film is already guaranteed to be the cinematic event of the year. Main theme "Sekai no Yakusoku" was written by Youmi Kimura, and arranged by Joe Hisaishi. Vocals by acclaimed actress Chieko Baisho who plays the film's heroine, Sophie. Also includes an instrumental version of the theme song, "Jinsei no Merry-Go-Round."
映画「ハウルの動く城」主題歌: 世界の約束 / 倍賞千恵子
世界中で旋風を巻き起こした「千と千尋の神隠し」から3年・・・。宮崎駿監督の最新作「ハウルの動く城」が、全国東宝洋画系ロードショーにて11月20日(土)より公開決定!! 主題歌「世界の約束」(作詞:谷川俊太郎、作曲:木村弓、編曲:久石譲)を倍賞千恵子が担当!! テーマ曲「人生のメリーゴーランド」(インスト)も収録。 ピクチャー・レーベル仕様。
The Promise of the World
The Merry-go-round of Life (Instrumental)
The Promise of the World (Original Karaoke)
下载地址: https://portal.ctfile.com/info/Ify437246
百度网盘: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pL0SnV1 提取码:3gv8 |