01. Weapons Free Arrange
02. New Plot
03. Honest Person Who Fights
04. Soldier Who Confronts It
05. Comfortable Tension
06. Situation that Becomes Tense
07. Settle Down
08. At the Relief
09. It Talks About the History
10. Imminent Danger
11. Dangerous Atomsphere
12. Sense of Crisis
13. Allen's Theme
14. Morden's Theme
15. Oguma's Theme
16. Agonizing Decision
17. Start From Mountain Village
18. Be Headquartered in the City
19. Desert Town
20. Coal Mine Mark
21. Coal Underground Ruins
22. Atomspheric Discharge
23. Break the Barrier
24. Sink Under the Waves
25. The South Pole
26. Climb the Tower
27. Out of Control
28. Shout of Sadness
29. Escape Velocity
30. Various Bosses
31. Mission Clear
32. Combat Beginning
33. Doubtful Castle
34. Secret in Iceberg
35. Living Thing That Goes Mad
36. Scientist's Fate
37. The Result is All
38. People Who Had a Hard Time
39. Game Over
40. Unused Tune